The Longyou Caverns
(I want to apologize for the long hiatus
from this blog. I’ve had some health
issues that kept me occupied, but I’m hoping that those are resolved and that I
can continue to add to your knowledge of the facts and realities of God’s
In China, in the province of Zhejiang, Quzhou prefecture, Longyou County, close to Shiyan Beicun Village lies a place called Phoenix Hill (see the map of China). In the area lie many very deep pools that have been called “bottomless ponds” by the locals for as long as they can remember. The residents use the pools to supply water for crop irrigation, drinking water and large numbers of fish, which are easily caught.

In 1992, a local villager named Wu Anai, became unsatisfied with the legendary description of the ponds as bottomless. He somehow talked some of his neighbors into helping him rent an industrial pump. They pumped all of the water out of the nearest “bottomless pond.” They noticed that there were no fish or any other forms of life, unlike the other “bottomless ponds” that they knew. When the water stopped flowing from the pump, they went inside the gap in the rock. What they found was not what they expected.
They found a massive cavern, carved out of the native
sandstone, measuring some 98 feet deep (that’s the height of a 10-story
building), expanding at the bottom to cover some 11,000 square feet. The roof was supported by massive pillars and
the pillars, walls and roof were all carved out using a unique series of parallel bands, or courses, about 24 inches (a
cubit and a span) in width. The chisel
marks on the bands were consistently set at an angle of about 60° to the axis
of the course.
Finely crafted stairs
and hallways led from the surface to the bottom of the grotto. Ornate, masterful carvings and symbols (none
of which have been translated or interpreted) decorated the walls and
pillars. The total area that is covered
by the grotto is in excess of 11,000 square feet.
authorities and university experts were called in. Nearby areas were searched with the discovery
of a total of 24 caves so far (one of them has been developed as a tourist
attraction). After much study and
examination, these are the things that stand out:
The total area covered by the known caverns
is in excess of 320,000 square feet.
That equals more than six and a half times the size of a football field.
None of the overburden, the rock
that was cut out to make these huge excavations, has been found. None. That’s a minimum of 6,400,000 cubic feet of
rock. With sandstone weighing in at 150
lbs. per cubic foot, that’s at least 480,000 TONS (the equivalent weight of 240 medium sized American
passenger cars) of rock that has simply
The precision and skill of the builders
is unfathomable. Using modern surveying
and scanning equipment, the Chinese experts determined that, although many of
the caves lay right beside each other, they were not interconnected, even
though the walls between them were extremely thin. A single misplaced chisel stroke would have
breached them and yet they never did so.
The walls are all extremely regular and square and are of the same
thickness in different sections. Yang Hongxun, of the Archaeological Institute
of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences reported, "At the bottom of each
cave, the ancient [builders] wouldn't be able to see what the others were doing
in the next grotto. But the inside of each cave had to be parallel with that of
the other, or else the wall would be holed through. Thus, the measure apparatus
should have been very advanced. There must have been some layout about the
sizes, locations, and the distances between the caves beforehand."
There is no discernible evidence of
what these Brobdingnagian grottos were used for. They have no indication of being living
spaces or arenas or storage spaces. What
purpose could they possibly have had?
There is NO record of the building
of these titanic works, or even of their
existence, although the experts are claiming that they were built around
200 B.C. How they are determining this
is beyond me, since you can’t date stone carvings except in very rare
All of the caves are similarly
carved and designed, obviously built by the same people. The fact that the carvings and symbols on the
walls are unknown is significant in the light of the extensive historical
information available about Chinese history.
This is a significant
fact because, as we’ve discussed before, Chinese written history is the most extensive
and meticulously complete in the world.
The Chinese have obsessively recorded everything that has happened to
them in the last 6,000 years.
This is great for historians, if misery for school children. I once had a Chinese friend tell me that,
with 6,000 years of Chinese history, there is very little time for any other
history to be learned.
These massive grottos must have required epic time, effort
and resources. That they are nowhere
even mentioned in the extensive Chinese historical record is beyond credulity.
Where does all this leave us and how does it apply to our
own studies?
Remember what our premises are. The superior environment that existed
pre-Flood produced superior people with superior capabilities. These people lived for about 1,400 years before
the Flood, developing a global, unified culture with advanced language,
artistry and architecture. While they
had certain advanced technologies, they did not need as many of them as we do because
of their own maximized abilities. Most
of the remains of these advanced cultural aspects were destroyed by the year
long, world-wide Flood, but some traces still remain, if you are looking for
With those premises in mind, what can we note about the
example of the Longyou Caverns?
unknown people left evidence that they existed before the recorded history of
the oldest culture currently existing on the planet. Their engraved symbiology is outside anything
that current historical science knows.
people were able to produce extensive and massive monumental works of profound
and unreproducible technical skill and precision, nearly machine-like in nature
(like the caverns of Derinkuyu, Turkey).
same people were able to excavate and dispose of massive amounts of stone,
leaving no trace whatsoever. Reference
not only Derinkuyu, but the mountaintops that have been leveled off in the region
of Nazca in Peru, also with no trace of the stone that was removed to produce
the flattened surface.
In summary, once again we are finding
irrefutable evidence of an unknown people, with capabilities that can’t be
explained, who carried out huge projects in the unrecorded past. These projects share marked similarities with
sites located in various places around the world.
None of this can be explained by the
evolutionary, uniformitarian model of the post-truth academics. To the contrary, they are jarring
In true science, if you have a theory
that doesn’t cover all the available facts, you look for another theory that
does. You don’t tailor the facts to suit
your theory.
Perhaps the real truth seekers among us
should throw out the evolutionary model and look for something more utilitarian
and fact based. Biblical creation
science does that for me.
The truth
is there. You just have to see it.
blog has been written with the sole purpose of using the ample evidence
available to verify and support the biblical record, while refuting the copious
propaganda that is shoved down our throats daily by materialistic
It is my
contention that the Bible describes God's original creation of people with
extraordinary capabilities who subsequently created an advanced
civilization that exceeds our own. It was destroyed in the Great Flood
and we have spent the last 4,500 years trying to preserve or re-build that
civilization. I contend that science supports all this in multiple
disciplines, but this information is ignored, discredited or suppressed by
people who have an opposing agenda.
that you see on this blog is original. Any fact that you see here is
obtainable on a dozen different websites and books. I use these facts and
photos, without violating their copyrights, under the legal principle of fair
use practice. That is, I use them one time, for educational purposes
The point
is, nothing here is made up. The only thing that I do (or need to
do) is assemble this information in its readily discernible pattern.
might want to read through the first entry posted on this blog (Past
Remembering: Thoughts toward a coherent view of our ancient past, our
present and our future) in order to understand my theoretical and
theological underpinnings more clearly.
Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 (NASB)
That which has been is that which
will be,
And that which has been done is that
which will be done.
So, there is nothing new under the
Is there anything of which one might
“See this, it is new”?
Already it has existed for ages
Which were before us.
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